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Contact with the Net in Volleyball


Contact With The Net in Volleyball

Learn about all of the rules and faults regarding Contact with the Net in Volleyball.

Illegal Contact With The in Volleyball

Contact with the Net in Volleyball, between the antennae, during the action of playing the ball, is considered a fault.

An action of playing the ball includes, among other things, taking off, hitting (or attempting to hit) and landing safely, ready for a new playing aciton.

The players may touch the post, the ropes that hold the net or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with the play.

When the ball is sent towards the net, causing the net to touch an opponent, there is no fault.

Net Touching Faults in Volleyball

Contact with the Net in Volleyball


  • Touching the net between the antennae or touching an antenna itself during the action of playing the ball;
  • Using the net between the antennae as stabilization support or aid;
  • Creating an advantage over the opponent upon touching the net;
  • Catching/holding the net.

However, touching the net beyond the antennae is NOT considered a fault (except when the player uses the net as a support to be able to touch the ball.)

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