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The Futsal Penalty Rules: A Complete Guide

The Futsal Penalty Rules

​What is a penalty kick in futsal?

The Futsal Penalty Rules are any foul sanctioned with a direct free kick committed inside or outside the playing area or on the goal line (inside the goal area) when the ball is in play.

​Where is the Penalty Kicked from in Futsal?

The penalty kick in Futsal is taken from the penalty mark, which is on the line of the penalty area. See image below.

​What is the Distance of the Penalty Kick in Futsal?

The penalty kick distance in Futsal is 6 meters, from the penalty mark to the goal line in the center of the goal.

​Futsal Penalty Killing Procedure

  • The ball must be stationary at the penalty mark and the goal correctly positioned in its place;

  • The penalty taker must be properly identified by the referees, but they do not need to inform the goalkeeper. There is no time limit for this penalty kick;

  • The defending goalkeeper must stand on the goal line, facing the executor of the shot and between the goal posts until the ball is kicked and is in play.

​Player Positioning in the Futsal Penalty Kick

All players, except the penalty taker and the defending goalkeeper, must be:

  • Inside the game court;

  • At a distance of 05 (five) meters from the ball;

  • Behind the penalty mark;

  • Outside the penal area.

​Penalty Kicks in Futsal

When taking the penalty kick in Futsal, the players must follow the following rules:

  • The penalty taker must kick with his foot and forwards, and is allowed to kick with his heel and, during the game, make a pass to a teammate as long as it is kicked forwards;

  • At the time of the shot, the defending goalkeeper must have at least part of one of his feet in direct contact with or on the goal line;

  • The ball will be in play the moment it is kicked forward and moves clearly;

  • The penalty taker cannot touch the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player;

  • If a penalty kick is awarded shortly before or together with the whistle ending regulation time for the 1st or 2nd period of play, or even overtime, this period will only end after the penalty kick is taken;

  • If a player on the defending team, including the goalkeeper, commits an infraction and the penalty is missed or saved, the penalty must be retaken.

  • The goalkeeper can only move laterally, i.e. over the goal line, and cannot move forward until the ball is moved.

  • Players must stay 05 (five) meters from the ball and behind the imaginary line of the ball.

​Referee Positioning in the Futsal Penalty Kick

Pênalti no Futsal

One of the referees positions himself according to the penalty mark on the sideline and checks that the ball is positioned correctly, identifies the kicker and observes the players for trespassing while the kick is being taken. This referee does not order the kick to be taken until it is verified that the positions of all players are correct.

The other referee should be positioned at the intersection of the goal line and the goal area and check that the ball enters the goal and that the goalkeeper is properly positioned.

​Penalty Kicks and Penalties in Futsal

Once the referees have authorized the taking of the penalty kick, the player must take the penalty kick. If he delays, the referee must take disciplinary action, cautioning the player verbally and, if he does it again, penalizing him with a yellow card before reauthorizing him a second time.

If the penalty taker or a teammate commits an infraction before the ball is in play:

  • If the ball enters the goal, the shot is repeated;

  • If the ball does not enter the goal, the referees stop the game and restart with an indirect free kick in favor of the opposing team;

Except for the previous situations, the game is stopped and restarted with an indirect free kick for the opposing team, regardless of whether the ball entered the goal or not, in the following cases:

  • When the penalty shot is taken backwards;

  • When the kick is executed by a player other than the one who was identified for the kick. This player should be penalized with a yellow card. For unsportsmanlike behavior;

  • During the run up to the shot, the player can feint, but if he does so after his run is complete, he is penalized with a yellow card;

If the defending goalkeeper or one of his teammates commits an infraction:

  • If the ball enters the goal, the goal is valid;

  • If the ball does not enter the goal, the shot is retaken and the offender is penalized with a yellow card.

If two players, one from each team, commit an offence, the kick is retaken, unless one of them has committed a serious offence. If both the defending goalkeeper and the kicker commit an offence at the same time:

  • If the shot is missed or defended, the shot will be retaken and both players penalized with a yellow card;

  • If the ball enters the goal, the goal is disallowed, the executor is penalized with a yellow card and the game is restarted through an indirect free kick in favor of the defending team.

​Getting in the Way of the Penalty Kicker

The opposing player should be cautioned with a yellow card for hindering or preventing the executor from moving towards the ball when preparing to execute the penalty kick, even if the offender is maintaining a distance of five meters from the ball.

​After the Penalty Kick

If the penalty taker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player:

  • The opposing team will be awarded an indirect free kick or a direct free kick if the touch is with the hand, always from the place where the touch was heard.

If an external agent touches the ball after it has been kicked and is moving forward:

  • The penalty kick is retaken, unless the ball enters the goal and the interference did not prevent the goalkeeper or other defender from touching the ball, in which case if the ball enters the goal the goal is awarded, even if there was contact with the ball, unless the attacking team was responsible for the interference;

If the ball returns to the playing court after touching the goalkeeper, crossbar or posts and an outside agent then touches it:

  • The referees stop the game;

  • Play is restarted with a ground ball at the spot where the outside agent touched the ball.

If the referees order the penalty to be retaken, it is not mandatory that the same player takes the penalty.

​Charging before Futsal Referee Authorization

If the penalty kick is taken before the referees have given the appropriate signal, they order the penalty kick to be retaken and warn the player with a yellow card.

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