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Net entry and net exit positions in Volleyball

Net entry and net exit positions in volleyball

Net entry and net exit positions in volleyball

Understand what is “net entry and net exit” in volleyball.

Positions and Rotation in Volleyball

There are 6 positions on the court where volleyball players rotate during a match.

This rotation is mandatory for the receiving team when they score a point.

The rotation occurs clockwise, each player will “rotate” one position, as illustrated below.

Positions 2, 3 and 4 are the attack zone positions or also called “net” positions (because they are close to the net).

Net entry and net exit positions in volleyball

What is a net entry attack in Volleyball?

A net entry attack in Volleyball is an attack made in position 4, that is, an attack on the left side of the net.

The Outside Hitter are players specialized in “net entry” attacks.

What is the Red Exit in Volleyball?

Now, keep in mind that the player occupying position 2, will leave the Attack Zone or Net after the rotation, so position 2 (right side of the net) is the position called “Net Exit”.

What is a Volleyball attack at the net exit?

A net exit attack in volleyball is an attack made in position 2, that is, an attack on the right side of the net.

The Opposite hitter is the player who specializes in attacking at the “net exit” or right side.


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