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Penetration above and under the Volleyball

Invasão por Cima e por Baixo da Rede no Voleibol

Penetration above and under the Volleyball

Get ready to learn about all of the rules regarding Penetration Above and Under the Volleyball Net.

Penetration abovo the Net in Volleyball

Upon blocking, the blocker may touch the ball when it is beyond the net, provided that it does not interfere with the opponent’s play before or during his or her attack hit.

After an attack hit, a player is allowed to pass his or her hands beyond the net, provided that the contact with the ball has been made within his or her own playing space.

Penetration under the Net in Volleyball

It is permitted to penetrate the opponent’s playing space under the net, provided that it does not interfere with the opponent’s play.

Penetration into the opponent’s court beyond the center line:

It is permitted to touch the opponent’s court with one foot or both feet, provided that part of the foot or feet remain in contact with the center line, or that the vertical projection of the foot or feet remain directly above the center line.

It is permitted to touch the opponent’s court with any body part above the feet, provided that it does not interfere with the opponent’s play.

A player may enter the opponent’s court after the ball is “out of play”.

Players may penetrate into free zone of the opponent team. This is not a fault.

Penetration Faults in Volleyball

Penetration Above and Under the Volleyball Net


  • A player touches the ball or an opponent within the opponents playing space before an opponent’s attack hit (penetration above the net).
  • A player interferes in an opponent’s play when he or she penetrates the opponent’s playing space under the net (penetration under the net).

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