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Service Zone in Volleyball


The Service Zone in Volleyball

The Service Zone in Volleyball is a 9 m wide area behind the end line on each side of the court.

Limits of the Service Zone in Volleyball

The Service Zone is limited laterally by two short lines. Each of those lines are 15 cm long and are drawn 20 cm beyond each end line as an imaginary extension of the Volleyball court side lines.

Must the Service be performed on the right side?

In Volleyball, the service may be performed anywhere within the service zone, be it on the right side or on the left side.

Service Zone Limits in Volleyball

The side lines are included withing the service zone width. This means that the Volleyball player is allowed to step on the side line, in the service zone, to perform the service.

As for the depth, the service zone extends to the end of the free zone.

Image showing the Service Zone in Volleyball

The Service Zone in Volleyball

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