Introduction: The Futsal Pitch
Discover the official Futsal Pitch with its lines, areas, measurements and markings in this illustrated and updated guide.
In this content we will explain everything about the surface of the Futsal Pitch, the Pitch markings, the Pitch lines, the size of the Pitch, the areas, substitution zones, technical areas and goalposts of the Futsal Pitch.
Futsal Pitch Surface
The Futsal Pitch or pitch must be flat, smooth, non-abrasive, and not rough. The floor can be made of wood or made of artificial material well leveled. Concrete pitches are not recommended for Futsal due to the roughness of this type of flooring.
What are the Futsal Pitch lines called?
The Futsal Pitch or pitch lines have 8cm width and are referred to as: touch lines, goal lines, penalty area, central line and central circle line. The Futsal Pitch or pitch lines must have different color from the rest of the pitch.
What are the Futsal Pitch dimensions?
For international FIFA matches the Futsal Pitch dimensions shall have a minimum size of 38 meters long by 20 meters wide and a maximum size of 42 meters long by 25 meters wide.

The Futsal pitch: Women’s national matches
For Adult, U-20, U-17 and U-15 national women matches, the minimum pitch size is 36 meters long by 18 meters wide. The minimum escape area outside the pitch is 1.5 meters.
15 The pitch in U-17 and U-15men amateur matches
For U-17 and U-15 men amateur matches, the minimum pitch size is the same as that used in women’s Futsal matches, that is, 36 meters long and 18 meters wide. The minimum escape area outside the pitch is 1.5 meters.
In State competitions and other local ones, the dimensions of the Futsal pitch may have their own regulation, defined by the local federations.
The Penalty Area on the Futsal Pitch
The penalty area or goalkeeper area is within a 6 meter radius of the goalposts. There is a distance of 6 meters from the midpoint in which the two side beams are marked with Penalty Kick or penalty mark.
At 10 meters from the midpoint between the two goalposts, the second penalty Kick is used, used to charge the direct free kick without a barrier, which occurs when a team exceeds the limit of 5 fouls per game time.
Corner Kick in a Futsal Pitch
A quarter circle with a radius of 25 cm from each corner is drawn inside the pitch, where the corner kick will be taken.
Goal posts in a Futsal Pitch
The goal posts in Futsal have the following dimensions: 2 meters high by 3 meters wide, the diameter of each beam being 8 centimeters, the total height of the goal (including the post) is 2.08 meters and the total width of the goal is 3.16 meters.

Substitution Zone in a Futsal Pitch
The Substitution Zones in a Futsal pitch are the areas on the touchline in front of the team benches and have 5 meters width. The substitution zones must be located 5 meters away from the pitch’s central line.