Introduction: Quadra Volleyball Rules
Discover all the rules of Volleyball Court and ask all your doubts with this illustrated and explanatory article that the Physical Education Tips Blog prepared with great affection for you who enjoyed playing Volleyball. No more shallow content that explained almost nothing here, you will learn the rules governing the volleyball game.
How big is the Volleyball court?
The Volleyball court is a rectangle that measures 18 meters long by 9 meters wide. The court lines are 5 centimeters wide.
⇒ See more details about the official Volleyball Court here
How tall is the volleyball court network?
- The Volleyball Network has a height of 2.24 meters for women’s matches and 2.43 meters for men’s games
- The Poles are 2.55 meters high and are 0.50 to 1 meter from the side line of the court.
- The Volleyball net is 1 meters high by 9.50 to 10 meters wide.
- Volleyball Network Antennas should be flexible and measure 1.8 meters high.
- The antennas are fixed to the Network on the side lines of the court.
- The antenna serves to delimit the crossing area of the ball over the net.
How many players is a Volleyball team?
A complete volleyball team consists of 12 players,a coach and up to two assistants, a physiotherapist and a doctor.
The players’ equipment consists of shirt, shorts, socks and sports shoes. All players must wear equal uniforms except the libero. The shirts will be numbered in 1 to 20. Players can wear glasses or contact lens as long as they take responsibility for the risks.
NOTE:The coach and captain of the team are responsible for the conduct of a Volleyballteam. The libero can’t be the captain.
The Points in court volleyball
A team scores points when:
- Can make the ball touch the opposing team court
- the opposing team throws the ball off the playing court
- the opposing team commits a lack/violation of the rule
- the opposing team is penalized

What is Rally in Volleyball?
Rally in Volleyball are all the actions that happen in the game from the moment a serve takes place to the moment a team scores a point. Each new loot ing starts a new Rally.
How many sets do you have a Volleyball match?
- A Volleyball match has at least 3 sets and a maximum of 5 sets.
- Wins a set in Volleyball the team that first scores 25 points with a 2-point difference for the other team
- If the game is tied at 24-24,the set will continue beyond 25 until a team can open the 2 points and win the set. E.g.26 to 24 or 27 to 25 or 28 to 26.
- The team that first wins 3 sets will win the match
- In case of a 2-set tie,the 15-point Tie-Break or Tie-Break will be played.
- It wins the Tie-Break and starts the team that scores 15 points first, with a minimum difference of 2 points.
The Draw, the initial team formation and the position of the players
Before the match is held a Draw to decide who will Draw and who will receive the Loot, in addition to which side of the court each team will be in the first set. If there is a need for the fifth set,a new draw will be held.
The Initial Formation of a Volleyball Team
Each team will be on the court with 6 players. The team’s initial lineup will also indicate the position of each player, which determines the team’s rotation order in the first set.
WATCH OUT! The rotation order determined at the beginning of the Set must be maintained throughout Set and can only be changed at the beginning of each Set.
Positions and Rotation (Caster) in Volleyball

- Three players must form the Attack Zone or Network Zone,position 4 (left network), 3 (central network) and 2 (right network or network output).
- And 3 players must occupy the Defense Line or Quadra Bottom: 5 (left bottom), 6 (center bottom) and 1 (right bottom).
- After looting players can move freely around the court.
How is Rotation or Rotation done in Volleyball?
The order of volleyball rotation is defined by the team’s starting position in each set.
When a receiver team wins the Rally,earns the right to withdraw,their players must rotate a position in the sense time. The player who was in position 2 (right net or network output),will go to position 1, the player who was in position 1, goes to position 6, the player who was in position 6, goes to position 5 and so until everyone rotates a position.
Important! The player who occupied position 2 and advanced to position 1 will necessarilybe the player responsible for the next Loot.

The rotation in Volleyball
Lack of Rotation is when a looting is performed while the team is out of the rotationorder. The team that commits the Lack of Rotation will be punished with a point for opposing team that will also earn the right to draw.
Touches on the ball and ball out in Volleyball
The ball is considered Off when:
- the part of the ball that comes into contact with the ground is off the lines that delimit the court.
- touch any object that is off the game court, .
- touches the antenna, network support ropes, poles or parts of the network that are outside the playing area.
- completely cross the space below the net
Team Touches on the Ball
A team can perform up to 3 touches on the ball before sending it to the opposing team. The tap of the lock does not count as a tap.
Four Touches
The team that performs more than 3 touches will commit a Foul.
Two Touches
A player will not be able to give two consecutive touches to the ball. The tap of the lock does not count as the player’s first touch.
Supported touch
It is not allowed to rely on another player or object to strike the ball.
It is not allowed to push or throw the ball, it must be struck or hit.
Invasion over the Network
According to the Volleyball Rules, the blocker is allowed to touch the ball beyond the net, provided that it does not interfere before or during the opponent’s touch on the ball.
Invasion under the Volleyball Net
It is allowed to invade the opposing space under the network provided that:
- this does not interfere with the opposing player
- remain with part of the feet on the center line

The Touch of the Network in Volleyball
- The player’s contact with the network is only considered Missing if it interferes with the play
- Player contact with the network is considered Missing whenever the player touches the Top Range of the network
The serve in volleyball
Sachaadora team and the Lack of Loot in Volleyball:
- The first Draw is defined by draw
- The next lootwill be made by the team that wins the Rally
- You’ll eat in the second Set the team that started getting the Loot in the first Set, and will continue alternating the sachanizing team with each Set
- The Loot must always be authorized by the referee.
- The bager cannot step on the bottom line of his court before performing the Loot

The Lack of Attack in volleyball are:
- Cut the ball into the opposing game space
- When a Background player (positions 5, 6 1) cuts the ball and it is above the top range of the Net.
- It is not allowed to Attack the opponent Loot
- Libero cuts the ball above the top range of the Net.
- If Libero is in the Attack Zone and makes a Lift using touch (volley), your teammates cannot cut the ball above the top range of the Network.
See also ⇒ Learn about the History of Volleyball
The Lack of Blockage in Volleyball are:
- Block the opponent Loot
- Touch the ball before your opponent performs the attack
- A player who is in zone or Line of Defense (positions 5, 6 and 1) or a Libero performs the Lock.
- Lock the ball off the Network Antenna
- If Libero tries to perform a Lock, even if he doesn’t touch the ball.
See also ⇒ The History of Brazilian Volleyball
Time Requests and Replacements
Each team is entitled to Two Strokes and 6 substitutions per Set. The request for time can be made by the coach or, in the absence of the coach, by the team captain.

The Breaks and the Quadra changes
According to the Volleyball Rules the Interval is the time between sets and last3 minutes. During the Interval the Quadra changeis made, except in tie-break. In tie-break the change of court is made without interval when the first team reaches 8 points.
The Rules for the Libero
- Each team is entitled to relate 2 Liberos
- Each team can only have 1 Libero acting on the court
- Libero should wear uniform with dominant color different from other players on his team
- The Libero cannot draw, block, try to block or attack the ball while it is above the top range of the Network
- Libero can only replace players who are occupying the Defense Zone (positions 5, 6 and 1)
- If The Libero in the Attack Zone makes a Withdrawal using touch, your companion will not be able to attack above the top range of the Network. If withdrawal is done using the Headline foundation, the attack can be carried out normally.
- In the Defense Zone, Libero can conduct withdrawals in any way.
⇒ See also – Rules of Volleyball on Video